Puglia to taste: tours to discover typical dishes - We Will Go

Puglia to taste: a tour to discover typical dishes

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From the mountainous areas of the Gargano, and all along the Tavoliere delle Puglie, there are traditional specialities worth trying during your holiday in Apulia: burrata, turnip tops and Altamura bread are just the most famous examples of a land that never ceases to amaze.

This is one of our most popular itineraries; for a weekend getaway or 3 days of complete relaxation as a welcome gift!

Discover traditional dishes with us

Day 1: The tastes of the Gargano

Starting from the north, the first stop on our tour can only be the Gargano. First and foremost, you must try the caciocavallo podolico, a typical product of this part of Apulia, with the strong and decisive taste typical of southern cuisine. How can we not be tempted to taste the mozzarella, canestrato, ricotta and cacioricotta cheeses.

The cheese tour continues in the Andria area. This is where the famous burrata pugliese was born, a pasta filata cheese similar to mozzarella, but much softer, the result of the dairy art of the Murge and the territory of Andria.

Day 2: Orecchiette pasta with turnip tops

Let's move on to Bari, the birthplace of orecchiette con le cime di rapa, a delicious tradition of peasant origin now widespread throughout Puglia and beyond. Its origins can be traced back to the Bari area, where it is now served in all the typical restaurants, thanks to the richness of flavour of these vegetables, whose taste is very different from those found in the rest of Italy.

If you have time and are hungry, we recommend the inland landscapes, where Altamura will welcome you with the fragrance of its famous bread, to be enjoyed with a drop of Apulian olive oil.

Day 3: Panzerotti and pasticciotti

If you haven't already, you'll want to take a break from this beautiful land with Puglia's fried panzerotti, made with a variety of fillings, from minced meat to turnips, from mortadella to stringy mozzarella. Whichever way you do it, it will be a unique experience.

At this point we head for Salento. The wonderful city of Lecce, with its Baroque architecture, hides a succulent habit: having breakfast with pasticciotti. What are they? They are sweet shortcrust pastries filled with custard and served hot. You'll just have to smell them to order at least one.

At lunchtime, indulge in the persuasive taste oflamb with potatoes alla leccese, washed down with a Primitivo di Puglia, the region's top red wine.

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